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Birth chart Reading
Private Lipstick & Tarot Card Reading
To gain insight into the past, present or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards & using my psychic gifts to obtain information.
What is a Lipstick Reading? Yes! It's really a thing & it's very fun. I provide the Lipstick, you provide the kiss. You apply the lipstick & kiss a card. You'll be surprised how much information your kiss can provide.
Both services are available in person or virtually.
Relationship Reading

Photograph Reading
My version of Face Reading. I read the eyes of people living & deceased through pictures. I see into people's souls & see who they truly are, who they want to be, and what they need. I read pets & houses as well. I can tell if a home is haunted & what the people/ghosts are like who live there.
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